G-Town Magazine and BluePixel Media Coming Together for Miss India Quintessential 2020 and Award of Excellence

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Delhi: There is a Buzz in town that G-town Magazine is Going to Present Miss India Quintessential 2020 and Award of Excellence 2020 in Delhi ,India . This event is one of its kind event organized in National Capital, Delhi at  Major Dhyan Chand Stadium on 23rd February 4 P.M onwards.

This Event aims to Empower Women and make them believe in themselves, become Successful and get same amount of recognition as their male counterparts are getting in this Industry.

Miss India Quintessential 2020 aims to Provide lifetime opportunities to all its contests and help them in Grooming , According to media sources they are also Educating them about Industry Standards and Ethics ,Which helps them in making a professional career in modeling ,acting , Influencers, Ad Copy  etc.


Being awarded with Miss India Title, gives immense amount of Self- Confidence to Contestants who take part in this prestigious Beauty Pageant Content and Award Ceremony, Organized by G-Town Magazine with Media partner BluePixel Media.

As we all Know , Miss India Contest always becomes Talk of Town , while Talking with Senior Executive of G-town Magazine, I am able to Get Some Inside Information for all of you .

According to internal sources MISS INDIA QUINTESSENTIAL does not limit it’s audience to women between the ages of 18 to 25 but also reaches out to the audience from diverse fields and age groups.

Top 16 contestants are scheduled to be accommodated at the MISS INDIA QUINTESSENTIAL HOUSE for 3 days to receive prime grooming and training from renowned achievers from their respective fields.

The entire period of 3 days comprising various tasks & activities along with training and grooming will be curated into episodes. These episodes will be available to stream on YouTube.

This Event will also host 8 Guests Speakers from Different Domains for sharing their Successful Experiences of Life .Our Speakers Profile will range from a Youtubers to a Fashion Blogger to even a Motivational Speaker.

So,Delhiets get ready experience a thrilling Fashion ,and Beauty Pageant Contest ,Organized in Delhi, This is India’s most Prestigious ,Beauty Pageant Contest, Organized by G-Town Magazine in Association with BluePixel Media as a Media Partner.

If you are a Fashion enthusiast or a Beauty Pageant Contest Lover , Must Watch Live Stream of this Event on Official Social Media Handles of G-Town Magazine and BluePixel Media.

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